Luminus’ Board of Directors has approved a new set of values for the organization. We are going to consider deeper dives into each one, to celebrate them, and to provide clarity on the future of the organization.
Inclusive – we are a connected community fostering belonging, unity and collaboration
The definitions of inclusive contain both the concepts of including or covering all the services or items normally expected as well as not excluding any of the parties or groups involved. Luminus will operationalize both of these ideas in our services as well as our advocacy. We will regularly ask “who is not at this table” and seek to expand the access of under-represented people to the halls of power and other places where decisions are made about people’s lives. We will make decisions with our clients and our constituents, not for them.
We work to create communities where all are welcome, regardless of their immigration status, their race, their national origin, gender or gender presentation, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, abilities or disabilities, and health or disease states. This is not an exhaustive list.
All are welcome at Luminus.