Volunteer Leaders Hold Successful House Party
Congratulations to volunteers Laurie and Anna! They co-hosted an extremely successful House Party for Luminus, raising nearly $2,000 in one evening from their friends, neighbors, and allies.
“I was so gratified at the great response — both in the number of people who showed up for the actual dinner and their generosity, as well as for the generosity of those who couldn’t personally attend,” said organizer Anna.
Laurie continued, “Thanks to all who joined us for the party and donated online. Luminus provides a much-needed service. Every dollar counts!”
The event took place in Laurie’s home. They chose to provide a lovely dinner, complete with traditional, delicious Jewish dishes and desserts. Guests were well fed, comfortably seated, and then Luminus CEO Gabe Moreno provided an overview of the organization, our work, the current political climate for immigrants and immigration issues, and answered guests’ questions.
When asked for advice for future party planners, Laurie advised, “Hosting a fundraiser is easy and fun, especially co-hosting with a friend. Luminus provides guidelines. This is a great way to help a great cause,” while Anna said, “It doesn’t have to be perfect! Pick a menu that can be prepared ahead of time or purchased.”
Thank you both for your support of Luminus and your ongoing work in the community!
If you want to hold a fundraiser for Luminus, check out our House Party Toolkit and reach out to Tina Horn at tinahorn@beluminus.org.