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Category: Volunteer Spotlight

  • Volunteer Spotlight: Emmanuella Osei

    Emmanuella Osei is a volunteer with the Luminus Network for New Americans. Emmanuella Osei is a rising sophomore at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) studying Public Health. She is a resident of Columbia, Howard County, and a graduate of Wilde Lake High School, class of…

  • English Conversation Partners Program

    This Summer, Luminus launched a new English Conversation Partners Program to facilitate English acquisition for our Afghan neighbors. Interested individuals were paired with volunteers over the span of eight weeks to help improve their practical conversation skills. We had a total of 13 pairs and many of the participants were Afghans along…

  • Shakera Rahimi and the Afghan Alliance of Maryland

    In August of 2021, the Afghan government collapsed after the Taliban took control of Kabul, following the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country. Since that time, over 80,000 Afghans have been evacuated. For Shakera Rahimi, an Afghan refugee who came to the United States in 2014, this was a…