Luminus Supports HCPSS 5th Grade Simulated Congressional Hearings

Luminus staff have been greatly enjoying the privilege of supporting our community’s fifth grade students in their Simulated Congressional Hearing (SCH) activity. SCH is a unique program nationally wherein “students demonstrate their understanding of the founding of U.S. Constitution and the impact of its creation.” Source


We have participated at Duckets Lane, Deep Run, Phelps Luck, Running Brook, Forest Ridge, Guilford, and Talbott Springs Elementary Schools and anticipate also attending at Stevens Forest, Bolling Bridge, Bryant Woods, Hollifield Station, and Hanover Hills. When appropriate, multilingual staff are performing their introductions to the students in two languages, with English being the second. This allows students who are English Language Learners and from immigrant families with languages other than English being spoken at home to hear familiar and comforting sounds on this exciting day.

Join Us in Volunteering to Serve

We call on immigrant leaders across Howard County to kindly joining us in this worthy and joyful activity in support of our students. You will be delighted at our students’ wisdom and skill. Judges are still needed at some elementary schools. Learn more and register at